Sunday, March 27, 2016

a quiet Easter Sunday

After church and lunch I got out my Canon camera on this Easter Sunday.  I was so excited to capture some photos of all four of us with the auto timer, but they were awful.  I'm thankful for the pictures I did capture of all four of my babies.  I think Gary and I are emotionally drained from the events of the weekend and upcoming funeral for his mom tomorrow.  Sometimes its fun to lose myself in the camera and I have some really awesome subjects to focus on!

Lily was happy to give her best side smile.

Daisy wasn't feeling dainty today.  She decided to get a huge mouthful of grass and I managed to snap a shot of it falling out of her mouth.

Then she rolled over and I got a nostril shot!  She's a mess y'all.  

Lily wouldn't leave her rawhide alone the rest of the day.  She and Daisy fought over it and played chase though the yard.  Every single day we fall move and more in love with our new backyard here in Texas.  I can't wait to see what blooms pop up.  I see so many fun leaves greening up!  I know I will have several rose bushes and many many irises.  Did I spell it right?  Iris? More than one iris?  Anyway, I'll post my backyard pictures this spring!  I'm excited.

Happy Easter!!

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