When Layla is at school and Hayden gets really quiet I always go running to find him. You never know what he in getting into. I was folding laundry in the living room the other morning and I couldn't find him. The little stinker heard me calling him, but he didn't make a peep. He was in the office watching the screen saver on the computer. It is a slide show of my photo album.
I thought it was so cute, however I was afraid he had touched something. He is so good at pushing buttons or restarting the computer or tv. He is into everything.
Look at his little face...he realizes he is BUSTED!
And then you can hear the silly, contagious giggles.
Later that day, I was cleaning the kitchen and was scrubbing the sink. He ran to the bathroom to get his potty, that clearly he uses as a step stool instead! Hohum!
He climbed up and was peering over the edge of the cabinet.
Such a busy boy. No wonder I am so tired at the end of the day. Sheesh! I don't know how all you moms with more than two babies do it. I am beat at the end of the day. I do love being a mommy though. I wouldn't trade it for all the rice in China!