I can't remember the last time I laughed as hard as I did yesterday.
The kids for the most part were playing really well together until Hayden got mad at Layla and clocked her in the forehead with a toy Nerf gun. I was was organizing Layla's closet.
(I got each kid a "sweater shelf thingy" to label clothes for each day of the week...I'm trying to avoid all drama in the morning before school.)
I heard crazy screams and crying coming from the playroom. I ran in there and Layla was in a puddle of sobs on the floor. Bless her heart...I thought she broke her arm. Good grief. Anyway, Hayden immediately told on himself. "Mommy, I hit Layla face." You know the toddler speak, a string of words all strung together.
So you know the drill, band aids make everything better.
Especially when they match the dress she is wearing.
We just went on about our day, we had lunch...
Tried to choke a few spoons. What is that about?
And as you can see Hayden doesn't have a shirt on. After lunch we were going to have a nap, but I wanted Hayden to have a shirt on for his nap time. Layla was kind enough to go into Hayden's room and get him (what I thought was) a shirt. I heard her say "Here is your shirt Hayden, do you want me to help you put it on?" And I heard him reply, "No sissy, I do it."
I was cleaning the kitchen and not really paying attention to the goings on in the living room. Hayden is really struggling to get his shirt on. I can hear his grunts and struggling. I dried my wet kitchen hands and headed to help him. I found him struggling to get his "shirt" on and realized it wasn't a shirt at all. It was a pair of shorts.
I have always wondered if my daughter ever picked up on mine and Gary's sarcasm. Well I think she has. She was sitting on the couch watching him struggle...laughing at him.
I tried so hard to help him. I tried to tell him that those are shorts, not a shirt. I brought him a shirt and he wanted no part of it...He kept saying "Sissy shirt" He wanted to put on the shirt Layla had given him, he is so innocent and totally trusted her. I finally couldn't help it any longer. I was laughing so hard...rolling. My stomach hurt from laughing at these two silly kids. Laughing at Layla picking on her brother. I think she was paying him back for the forehead smack she received earlier. And laughing at his will and determination.
Finally I told him it was nap time and he needed to get into his bed. He stormed off with his 2 year old self, and headed to his room. Struggling like crazy I got a shirt on him and put him in his bed. And he was MAD! He said,"Hayden MAT." (mad) He was crying that he didn't want that shirt on. So I stripped it off his body, kissed his face and shut the door. Seriously, It was a beating.
When he woke up from his nap 2 hours later, he was wearing the very shirt that I had to take off of him. It was on backwards, but he did it...Good job buddy :)

They are just pure entertainment :)
That is fantastic, and honestly a very clever way for Layla to get back at him without hitting him back. I totally see Avery doing this with her younger siblings when she has them .
Makes me want another one very soon...gotta love sibbling fun :)
Too funny! Eli has hit that stubborn stage where he wants to do everything himself too...makes getting out the door on time for school hard sometimes:)
Oh, too funny!!!
So cute! Have a grwat weekend!
Oh gosh Angie, I am sitting here laughing SO hard, this is hilarious. I needed a good laugh, thanks for sharing!!
I love those determined moments in 2 year olds!
Oh my goodness...that is great! I know those pranks all too well...it only gets better! ;) If Alex takes a shower first...he always turns the water all the way to cold so when it's Emily's turn it's cold! And when she takes one first...she always plugs the drain! haha! Glad he got his shirt on...his way..and had a good nap...haha! ;)
Oh she's gooooooood.
Adorable! Reminds me of my sister and I.
Why is that? Bandaids DO make everything better. Your kiddos are just adorable:)
So funny! Kids are a hoot!
Ha ha ha. I wonder if she did give him the wrong thing on purpose. Your kids sound hilarious!
They are so funny, that Layla cracks me up!! I love the choking spoon picutre, hilarious!!
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