Gary was out of town the first part of this week on a business trip. He got home yesterday and I was so thankful. Having a dog that just got neutered is like having another kid. Since surgery on Monday Bogey isn't supposed to run or wrestle or do any of the things 11 month old dogs like to do. He has spent quite a bit of time in his crate, because I just can't keep him calm and still.
I mean look at him....
Bogey basically attacked Gary....he is jumping on him. Silly pup!
Hayden loves fresh blueberries. He says they taste like candy.
I certainly don't mind feeding him blueberry 'candy'.
He will chow down on a bowl of blueberries like someone is going to steal them from him. The other day I said, "Hayden slow down on the blueberries or you will get a tummy ache!" He didn't say a word, he just looked at me with a blank stare and kept eating.
The next day Hayden came to me and said, "Mommy I wanna get a tummy ache."
I said, "What? Why would you want to get a tummy ache? That is no fun."
He said, "I want some of those blueberries!"
Layla loves to write. She writes and draws all the time. She loves to write in her journals. She has a million journals and pens and pencils. She really should open her own office supply company. She couldn't wait to show Gary her fluffy pink journal. She is writing and illustrating a book. She told us she is planning to write several children's books. Well OK...bring it on girl :)
I don't know about you, but I am ready for fall cooking. I want to make Chicken n Dumplings, Chili and Potato Soup. But seriously, who wants to eat that in the heat? Today the he high temperature is supposed to be 98 degrees, but a cold front comes in tonight. We should stay in the mid 80's for all of next week!!! I am so happy, please let this be true! Hopefully in a few weeks I can make some cool weather meals for our family.
Bring on the sweater weather it is almost October for the love of Pete!