I'm was very happy to hear about a possible cold front coming to Texas this weekend! The high will be 90 degrees! That is down right awesome after the highs being 106 degrees for the past few days. Bring on the cold front and all things fall!
I put out a little bit of fall decor this morning. I'm not going all out this year because I packed most of my decorating items into boxes. The house hasn't sold yet, but I am slowly packing and getting things uncluttered. Maybe I'll add a few clear glass bowls of candy corns to my kitchen counters. BUT then I can do 'drive bys' and that might not be such a good idea!
When it comes to candy corn I have to pace myself. I seriously could eat the entire bag!
This is a handful of yummy goodness. FYI...20 candy corns = 150 calories.
totally worth every calorie :)
Yesterday we met our friends Vanessa and Jake at Pei Wei for lunch.
Hayden and I had never eaten at Pei Wei. I was very impressed. My food was really delicious and fresh. I am not all swollen and puffy like I usually am after I eat Asian cuisine. I am now a Pei Wei fan and so is Hayden. He ate every single bite of his chicken. It was really good, but I also think eating with chop sticks was fun for him!
Layla has a sniffly/stuffy nose. She has been in school for a couple of weeks and already has a fall cold or allergy attack. I'm not sure what is going on, but Boooo. She has good moments and bad moments, but all in all she feels good. Hopefully it is just allergies. I think we will have a fun low-key weekend. Like I mentioned earlier, I am ready for the cooler temps, so hopefully we can play outside and enjoy the cool(er) weekend!
Happy Friday y'all!

We are ready for cooler too. It's going to be 90 here today and hopefully love 80's next week!!! I'm beyond ready for Fall. Love Pei Wei!!! Hope your girlie feels better soon.
LOVE Pei Wei! We usually all split the Honey Seared Chicken with chicken fried rice (and extra crispy white noodles on the side!), and a few egg rolls. The chopped chicken salad is also really yummy! I usually don't even like Asian food (for the heaviness and low quality of meat/veggies) but I could Pei Wei anyday :)
Candy corns were one of my faves as a kid but I haven't had them in years! I can't even think about fall. Maybe tomorrow because supposedly we have a cold front coming & it's going to be in the 60's. I'll believe it when I seee it.
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