The last two days have been so fun and full. I realized how blessed we are. Christmas has always been fun for me...being around family and friends is one of my favorite things. Doing all the same thing with kids = SUPER DUPER AWESOME! I love seeing this time of year through their eyes.
Our families showered the kids and Gary and I with amazing gifts. It isn't about the gifts though...we just love hanging out with fun folks! And eating good food of course.
Here we are...posing for the camera...thank goodness for the auto timer :)
I laugh when I look at this picture. Hayden is clearly saying "cheese"!
My Aunt Pat and I laughed even harder when we saw the only ornament on my mom's tree. She doesn't put ornaments on her tree, and this peace sign was a gift. It is shining bright like the North star!
My kids both officially ate junk for two days. Here, Hayden is having a chocolate cupcake.
And Layla is having a red velvet cupcake. She is laughing about something....perfect manners.
Both kids were very happy to help my Grandparents open their gifts.
After we left our first celebration we headed home for the four of us to spend Christmas Eve night together. It is very important to Gary and I that our kids are home in their beds on Christmas Eve. Many of my friends travel during the holiday's and I consider us lucky to live near our families.
Layla sprinkled reindeer food in the backyard.
And Hayden sprinkled it in the front yard.
And yes, Hayden is wearing his Buzz costume.
He wears it every chance he gets. When he isn't wearing it, it is in the washing machine.
The little guy is obsessed!!!!!
Our family tradition the kids look forward too on Christmas Eve is getting to open one gift...
Layla knew what the gift was...PJ's!
She loves jammies, and so getting new ones is always fun.
Hayden loves all sports, so these were perfect for him. And Layla loves iCarly!!
Our kids were so tired from no naps and a busy day. We put them to bed at 6:30pm on Christmas Eve. Hayden basically asked to go to sleep...ha! Poor guy was worn out from a very busy day. Gary and I enjoyed our time together, and we talked about how blessed we are. We got ready for Santa to come visit. Gary was struggling to open most of the gifts. The manufacturers of toys really don't want you to get into the toys do they?
Hayden woke up at 5:50 am this morning. Sheesh...but we expected it with such an early bed time.
The kids had so much fun tearing into their gifts.
Layla got a Furr Real walking puppy. She got a necklace that says "Jesus Loves Me." Hayden was stoked to see Buzz Lightyear under the tree. All was right in the world for him after he saw Buzz. And then of course he had to put on his matching Buzz Halloween costume.
I got a lazy susan for my breakfast table. I have the hardest time finding a center piece for the table, and this is perfect! I am so happy about it!
These are my peeps on Christmas morning. We are sporting our new pj's and sleepy faces!
Layla and I in our necklaces...mine says "Capture Life" w/a pic of a me huh?
Daddy and his girls.
Every Christmas the adults do a fun gift exchange. While we were doing that the kids were going nuts over toys they got. Hayden received a Woody, to go with Buzz. Then he proceeded to push them both around in a super cool dump truck. Layla got two Moxie Girlz dolls. So much giving and fun fellowship. It was awesome :)
I took the opportunity to snap pics of the family. This is Auntie Susan, Kristin and Rob. Kristin and Aunt Suzie are the best babysitters ever. They both love coming to hang with the kids if Gary and I need to get away. Rob is about to be a dad! I can't wait to meet his daughter. They are already past the due date, so she will be born any day now!!!
Kristin and Rob with MeMaw. Take note of MeMaw's super cool necklace.
Mother and Daughter...I think they look just alike.
Here is a picture of me and my parents. I had been working in the kitchen. can tell. I look like two cents. My hair is a mess. But the food was good, and you know me...I love to have folks in my home enjoying food and conversation!
Layla and MeMaw. Sweet buddies!
Layla is working wonders on Aunt Suzie...trying to talk her into more candy.
Gary, Angie, MeMaw, Jessie, and Susan
And here is Buzz. He is the only one in the entire house today that ate and liked the Happy Birthday to Jesus cake balls I made. Can you believe it? No one liked them. I couldn't believe it. I didn't even like them. They are WAY too sweet for me.
Happy Birthday Jesus & Merry Christmas...I hope you had a wonderful day!!

It sounds like you had such a fun filled Christmas Angie!!! Your little ones look adorable. I bet you were tired getting up at 5:50am! I thought we were tired getting up at 6:30am and Jillian doesn't even get it yet! Have a great day!!
Loving MeMaw's rockin necklace the best!! Sounds like you guys had a wonderful Christmas. Can't wait to see you all soon!
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