This is what I use.
3 packages of Jiffy cornbread mix, prepared as directions read, then crumbled in a bowl.
1/2 loaf of bread
6 cups of turkey broth, or canned chicken broth
5 eggs
salt and pepper
1 onion chopped
3 stalks of celery, chopped
1/2 stick of butter
A couple of days before Thanksgiving I start to bake batches of cornbread. After it cools I crumble it into a large air tight Tupperware. I just let it sit for a day until I get all 3 batches baked. I then crumble leftover pieces of bread. A few weeks before Thanksgiving I save heals of loaves of bread or left over rolls or whatever. I throw them in the freezer and thaw them and crumble into the cornbread.
So, I now have this crumbled bread and to it I add the broth and then I add the eggs. I stir really well and then I add the onion and celery. I wash my hands really well and mix it with my hands. A spoon just doesn't mix it up well enough. I usually just shake the sage, salt and pepper spice containers over the mixture. I should measure it, but I don't. Then I cut chunks of butter and just randomly throw them into the mixture, stir it up and pour it into a super large roasting pan.
Bake for 45 minutes on 350 degrees.
If it is too soupy, bake longer...we like the edges all brown and almost crunchy.
I really should make dressing more than once a year. It is so good!
And this picture is terrible. I took it with my phone.
I can't believe I didn't take more pics of the Turkey day meal I cooked. :(
I was too hungry...I just ate, fast! ha!

Yum! This is pretty much how I make mine but I also add cream of mushroom and chicken. I love it! I didn't take pictures at Thanksgiving either because I was too busy eating :)
this is very similar to mine except we add a sleeve of saltines to the cornbread, dry bread mixture and we also add poultry seasoning!!
it's so YUMMY!!!
I took ZERO photos on Turkey day. SO with you...ate like lunatic. And this looks amazing! I have had no luck with cornbread stuffing. None. It comes out pasty and inedible. And you consistently inspire with all your yummy recipes. You need to make a cookbook. Seriously.
My grandmother makes cornbread dressing every year for Thanksgiving. She makes homemade cornbread though, which is why I've never tried to make it! I think I might could handle making it if I can use jiffy mix:)
Wow Angie, this looks delicious! Being from the North, we really do not eat cornbread up here. This may have to change.
So funny, we totally just had the whole cornbread vs. traditional stuffing the other day...this sounds delish!
I love cornbread stuffing! So good!
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