We were so excited when it started snowing around noon today. It rained all night and all morning and then the rain turned to snow!! We were honestly beginning to think the meteorologists in our area were nuts. We waited and waited for the snow. Layla has been asking for snow for weeks now, so I was very happy her wish came true.
We had to stop playing for half a second so we could get a shot of the four of us. I try to get a snow picture of us 4 each time it snows. Here in Texas you never know when it will snow again. Note to self: before our next ski trip I need a new jacket.
I am getting slammed with a snow ball.
Layla is sitting on the snow lady's body. She wanted a "she" snow person this year.
Dad getting snow balled.
EVERY picture we took Hayden was throwing snow. He throws everything he touches.
Harley girl was not a happy puppy.
Hayden wanted a small head for the snow lady, but Layla wasn't allowing it.
Doesn't she look so pathetic?
The snow lady creation.
Layla wanted to eat a bite. YUCK!
Snow person #2 in the front yard.
Hayden is throwing a snowball at me. Little stinker!!
Layla's snow angel turned out so cute!
My real snow angel. We had so much fun playing in the snow, but it was so cold. I think we lasted about 45 minutes. When we came inside we were all frozen. But it was super fun and we are so thankful for the snow.
And lastly our organic snowman.
We didn't have props for the snowman in the front yard, so we used mulch and twigs for the arms.
I'm thinking we will have school tomorrow. I don't think the roads will be a problem...the snow is already melting. We had fun in the snow while it lasted!!

Totally worth being a popsicle when you came inside!
How fun...I'm hoping for snow in OK and for no school tomorrow! lol!
That looks like so much fun! I wish the snow would make its way here, but we are just getting lots of cold rain instead!
You guys are just SO excited. You really did get a lot of snow. I'm glad you were able to make snowmen and have a little fight. I love the snow angel too.
YAY for snow!!!!! :)
awww, yay, it looks like you guys had a ball! We got a dusting here in Tulsa tonight, hoping to wake up to a lil more!! :) LA
ok I live like 10 minutes from you and we didn't have a lick of snow on the ground. It snowed but NOTHING stuck! Loved your pics!
So cute! Glad ya'll got to enjoy it.
just came to your blog from twitter. your kiddos are adorable!
i'm still waiting on my snow.. supposed to be on the way!
haha i totally had to do a double take on ur snowman's tie....at first i thought 'yellow snow' then i realized it's prob a shovel
sorry but the dog kept making yellow snow and my boys wanted to join! sooo boy like!
Love the pics. Man I wish it would have made it's way down south. The boys didn't think it was fair that it was snowing in Texas, but just not where we live!!! Ha!
It looks like y'all had a great time playing! What wonderful memories you're making.
How fun!!!! Looks like a great family day!
Such a cute post! REally precious pictures! Looks like you guys had a blast! We had to make a snow girl too. Ha!
Looks like you all had a blast! You guys got more than we did....I love the snowman too :)
Oh how FUN! We are to get some snow tonight...2-4 inches in our area...I'm hoping the kids still have school though! I really want to get my house clean...a little! ;) Love all the pics and the snowpeople :) Hope you get to enjoy a little more snow before spring...but I don't enjoy these cold temps either! brrrr!
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