Introducing.........Belle & CB!!!
Can you believe this little pink puppy has roller skates and a leash? Layla was so happy and wore the biggest smile while when this little sweetie was created.
Layla adores Build a Bear. Remember when we went back in December for the first time ever? Layla couldn't wait to go back. Auntie and Donny Ray gave the kids BAB cards for Christmas. {thank y'all so much} Gary was out of town all last week and we he returned we thought it would be fun to do a family activity on Saturday. BAB was it!
Layla has been asking for another REAL dog/puppy. We miss our Callaway, but aren't quite ready for another puppy just yet. I think about the potty training and it makes me nervous. I need to get Hayden potty trained first ;) Anyway, Layla got a new puppy and she is the perfect addition to our family!! Hayden picked out a camo bear and we named it CB {camo bear}.
I was cracking up laughing as Layla pulled Belle around on roller skates at the mall. You should have seen all the older folks that stopped and talked to her, asking about her puppy. So cute!
This is a very blurry picture, but cute none the less. Can you say sassy?
This is CB.....Hayden pretty much ran into the house, set him down on his camo chair and tent and ran to get Buzz Lightyear. Oh well. He had fun while we were there at BAB...the creating was very fun for him.
Hayden does love the fishing pole though. He has been a fishing fool lately.
My little bare foot Huck Fin.
We had a fun weekend, and I am so thankful to have my best buddy back home! Gary was gone for a week and nothing crazy happened this time, but I just worked super hard. Gary is a huge help with the kids and around the house. When he is gone I miss the conversation and help :)
After BAB we grabbed groceries and then just hung out at home the rest of the dreary weekend. It was foggy and rainy all weekend long. The clouds didn't stop Gary from grilling steaks on Saturday night. And I made an amazing chicken crock pot dish. You will love it! I first heard about it through twitter and then jumped around to a few blogs to find it. It is wonderfully delicious and Gary said it is the best chicken recipe he has had in a long time :) I will share it with y'all this week!
Today we are relaxing again. Layla and Hayden have a day off school and Gary has a holiday. Layla does have gymnastics later today and she is very excited about it! I am excited for her! Right now Layla is brushing Belle and Hayden is watching the Backyardigans.
Have a great day y'all!

Too cute!!!!!!!! :)
She is really walking the dog in the mall?! That is so stinking cute. I also love the last picture!
So cute!! She is way sassy ... and I love every bit of it!
I saw one of those roller skating ones at the mall the other week -- they are hilarious!!
I'm pretty sure my kiddos have almost every BAB animal ever made. It's a true addiction! We did Ben's 6 year old party there last year and the kids had a blast! I am loving the rollerskating puppy. Too cute :)
Sounds like a great weekend! Sometimes the weekends that you just relax turn out to be the best ones. I wish today was a holiday for me. I could use some laying around time! Enjoy your day.
Wow, that little pink puppy is adorable! Build-a-bear never ceases to amaze me with their new creations. So happy Layla loves it too! (Also, yay for being off the hook for another real
Libby LOVES build a bear!! We went to a party there once and it was a blast! I love the Camo bear!
That pink puppy is so cute. My granddaughter would love it!
That's sweet! Currently GG loves Elmo and that's about it!
How funny....we just got back from Build-a-Bear and my Audrey got the same dog in the light pink. She has been carrying it around since! That now makes build a bear number 7......just what she needs! She used Christmas money so I couldn't say no, plus they are pretty cute.
How cute that picture of her pulling the bear is adorable!
I love both the bears. We aren't quite old enough for build a bear over at our house but I can't wait to do that one day with my kids.
I should take my kids to BAB one day. I love the cute. I'll be waiting for that recipe and I'm glad nothing major happened while Gary was gone.
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