This past weekend I left Gary and the kids home alone for the weekend, and I headed to Dallas to meet tons of other bloggers. It was so fun to met so many wonderful ladies! It was a great break for me, and I think Gary and the kids had a great time here at home without me.
It was the first time I have been away from both Gary and the kids. I have spent nights away from Gary because of his travels with work. And I have gone on trips with Gary and left the kids with a sitter. But I was alone and it was a fun break for me!
I love this fun group shot taken on Saturday night.
I finally got to meet Aly....she was my roomie. We got along perfectly!
She was with me on Saturday when I decided to cut 6 inches off my hair.
We ate yummy cupcakes at the Cupcakery.
I choose the strawberry pina colada. It was so delicious!
Me, Ashley, Aly and Jenn
Kelsey and I at Victor Tango's on Saturday night.
Neely and I at brunch at Breadwinner's on Saturday morning. I had the best breakfast scramble.
Their food was delicious!
On Saturday morning I also got to finally meet Laura!
I had such a fun time. It was so fun to meet bloggers that I read about every day. It was a once in a lifetime experience and I am so glad that I was able to spend the weekend getting to know so many fun ladies. I just wish we had more time and I wish I had taken the time to take more pictures. I didn't even get my camera out on Friday night. That is so unlike me, but I know it was because I was too busy talking.

Girl, I had a blast with you! I loved meeting you and if you ever wanna go to Victor Tango's and get some crab mac and jack you know who to call :)
Great recap, Angie! I really enjoyed spending the weekend with you and getting to know you better. We got along so great, and honestly, don't know if I could have roomed with someone better!! :)
I also appreciate you opening up your home to me and allowing me to stay there on Sunday evening! While it was a crappy day outside, the company inside was so fun! Even your dog Bogey who wanted to molest me!!!
I can't wait to come back and visit you again sometime!
It was so great to meet you!
I was about to say, I don't remember your hair being that short Friday night. haha.
I LOVE IT! Super cute!
Looks like a great time! :)
Looks like y'all had so much fun! You're hair looks really cute. That cupcake looks amazing!!!!
It looks like you had such a great time! What a fun group of girls y'all are.
Love the new haircut, it looks adorable on you. Perfect for Summer!
It was great meeting you! I didnt get a picture with you...when I did my post today I realized it! We will have to next time!! Your family is so cute!!
That looks like such a fun time! And your haircut is adorable! I love how straight your hair is....I need to know your trick because I know the humidity in Texas is just as bad as the humidity in Mississippi:)
Looks like such a fun weekend! I want to go to a huge blogger meet up!!!
Okay, first off, your hair totally rocks. I LOVE IT! I think later this summer I'll cut mine that short again, it's sooo easy to take care of! Did you get bangs, or no? I can't tell. But it's adorable!
Hopefully here before too long I'll mosey my way down south and you, Laura and I can meet up!
I am so glad you came! It was great finally meeting you!
Looks like you girls had a blast!!
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