Layla bug is very happy about summer break!!
Can you tell?
She is so excited to be a 1st grader, but she is sad about not having the same teacher. Mrs. Welch is leaving Layla's school. Layla won't see her in the halls next year. I think and know it makes Layla sad.
When Gary and I thought back to our kindergarten experiences we realized that we both attended kindergarten half a day. I went in the morning from 8am-12pm. My teacher scared me to death. Gary went half a day too. Layla has attended kinder all day long from 7:30am-3:00pm, and Layla is 5 years old. I can see how she has an attachment to her wonderful teacher. Bless her heart. So last night she was a little sad. We'll keep her busy with fun activities all summer, so hopefully she will not be so sad.
I love this picture of me and my munchkins. I am always behind the camera.
I just wish I had make-up on ;)
Even though my birthday is today, the kids couldn't keep my gifts a secret! When Layla got home from school yesterday they just had to give me my presents. I got FUN stuff....the cup I have been wanting, I got a Rachael Ray magazine, HOT tamales candy and Twix minis. My little people know me so well and they delivered some fun goodies for my special day! We are camping this weekend, so tonight we will have lots of cheesecake :) YUM!
Have a great weekend everyone!

Love that picture of the 3 of you. They look so much like you. I see their faces in yours. That is too cute! Have a great weekend with your family = )
Happy Birthday. Hopefully you'll enjoy your cup as much as I enjoy mine.
Layla looks so excited in that first picture! Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day and an awesome weekend camping:)
I think that is a great picture of you!! You are beautiful :)
I love that picture of y'all!!! Happy Birthday!!!
Happy birthday to you sweet friend. I hope you have an amazing time with the people you love. I want one of those cups them. I also LOVE Layla's hair still...makes her look so grown up. First grade here she comes.
Layla is beyond adorable!!!! Happy Happy Birthday!!!!!!! :)
Such a great pic, and I don't think you need make-up to make it any better! I hate putting on make-up. Layla is so sweet-she'll be fine in no time. Happy happy birthday!!!!
Happy Birthday, Angie! And guess what? You look amazing without makeup!
Girl, you look great without makeup! They are so adorable, and I love the gifts they got you. I hope you have a fabulous weekend!
Happy belated birthday! I love Layla's expression! ha! It's hard to believe how fast the time goes...I miss kindergarten ;-)
Her hair is so cute...and I love the pic of you three! so sweet!
Have a wonderful weekend! :-)
Hope you had a great birthday weekend!
Glad she is out of school. her hair is so cute by the way. happy Birthday!!
Happy Belated Birthday!!!! It sounds like the kiddos came through with some great gifts!!
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