Layla's school doesn't do a kindergarten graduation, but we did have a fun time celebrating with her classmates at her year end party this morning.
See these two pretty ladies....Mrs. Welch & Layla!! We just love Mrs. Welch. We had an amazing kindergarten year, and I think it is all because of Mrs. Welch! We will miss her so much.
I know Layla is going to miss her classmates over the summer. I just love seeing her play & learn with her friends!
My little princess and her certificate. See her blue lips? They had yummy blue cupcakes.
The cupcakes had these fun cherries on them! Silly girls :)
Yum! What a fun treat: cookies, cupcakes and juice boxes!
Hayden got to have a cupcake too.
He loved it!!
I can't wait to go through some of Layla's school work. She has some amazing artwork in her art folder. This kitty cat looking over the fence is most definitely getting framed. I just LOVE it!
And this cute picture was painted by Layla, it is of Layla and two of her close friends.
We also have this DVD to watch. We actually saw it today in the classroom. I really fought back tears. I didn't want people to think I was too much of a SAP! It was so cute...Mrs. Welch did a wonderful job putting it together and it was set to sweet music. It was really melting this Momma's heart!
This fun ginourmous box is filled to the brim with fun stuff from the year. I took a peek inside and plan to finish looking one day with Layla. I want her to explain everything to me.
Layla still has two half days of school left. I know she will have fun spending special time with her teacher and friends. God is so good! He led us to this neighborhood. He blessed us with this school. I pray every year of school will be just as wonderful as this year has been.

Love all the pics! Layla looks like she had a great teacher!
What a sweet box full of her memories - such a treasure!
dude that was some blue icing! haha
loved her expression holding her certificate! (like really mom...) haha
Such wonderful pics! Mannn, I so miss kindergarten.
What great end of the year things! I love that painting that she did...definitely a keeper.
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