I participated in a fun summer blog swap and I am so happy I did.
Basically, I signed up to exchange summer goodies with another blogger. We exchanged addresses and I sent her fun stuff and she sent me fun stuff. I think it is an awesome idea, and I am so glad I participated.
Look at all this fun summer stuff!!!!!
Lacey knows me so well! She picked out so many fun things! I love each and every one!
Can you tell by all the !!!!! I am using?!!
When I opened the box out poured the smell of Pina Colada. Oh my word. This candle is heaven in a glass jar. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!! AND it is yellow, so it matches my kitchen perfectly!
Look at these fun Popsicle holders....and the tea next to them. I am SOOOOO making peach tea Popsicles. Doesn't that sound so good?! She knew I was loving tea right now and sent some my way!
And anyone that has been following my blog for awhile knows I LOVE bracelets. These are perfect! And so comfy to wear...I have already worn them.
Lacey also sent me this Jergens sunless tanner. I have been outside with the kiddos playing in the pool, but I have been very good with applying sunscreen this year. I'm terrified of skin cancer. Even though we use sunscreen in our family, we still get tan. I know I will get a tan over the summer, but the Jergens natural glow does just that...gives me a fun natural glow to jump start my tan :)
See the fun lip protection? I can never have to many tubes of chap stick/lip sunscreen. I'm happy to have it! I am also very excited about taking this sun tea pitcher on our next camping trip! I love making sun tea, and it tastes so good.
I think I hit the lotto! I got so many fun things, but more importantly I made a sweet blog friend. I just love Lacey. She has an adorable family and I am so excited to follow her blog and read more about her family! Thanks for everything Lacey!

She hooked you up (in my best ghetto voice), ha! Glad you loved all your stuff, definitely looks like you hit the jackpot! Lacey is super sweet, glad you loved her!
I'm so glad you like everything! Um, looks like the candle may have enjoyed the heat a little too much. Sorry about that. I had so much fun participating and getting to know you!!!
Fun fun fun!! You can make sun tea now!!
You got some good stuff! :)
I love the Pina Coloda candle, and I seriously want a peach tea popsicle now-YUM!
Great goodies! Happy Summer!
How fun! Love all your goodies!
I want that candle! I love summer time scents - they are the best!
Awesome goodies!
well i suck...i've been reading ur blog and consider us friends and i didn't know u liked bracelets.
Score!!! I need to find some Popsicle holders.
I love Pina Colada scent, yum! I love the tea theme, so cute!
I have to get that candle now!! Can't wait to do fun stuff like this in the future when I meet more blog friends. Love it!!
You got a ton of great stuff. The kiddos are going to love those popsicle molds! I love that Jergen's lotion. We get tan during the summer too, but it is perfect for when my tan starts to fade:)
You got some great stuff girl!!!
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