Spring break is supposed to be all fun and exciting, but I'm feeling grumpy. The snow is putting a damper in our week and I am feeling like negative Nelly. Gary took off work so we are making the best of our time together as a family. We haven't ventured too far away from home yet. We weren't sure if the roads would be nasty. But we are still having fun dang it!
The weather makes me wanna eat this whole bag of Twix Eggs. Yep...Twix eggs.
Gahhhh. They are so good, but really the Reese's eggs are better.
I'm a sucker for peanut butter.
Monday we took the kids to a movie. It was such a cute movie with a great message. We all really enjoyed it. I really enjoyed eating half a large bag of popcorn. Poor Gary he didn't know he should have gotten his own bag. What is it with movie theater popcorn? I can't eat a few pieces slowly. I have to SHOVE it into my mouth as fast as possible as if someone is about to take it away from me. I always get a popcorn head ache and I always eat the corn anyway. What is wrong with me? It's like you walk into a theater and breathe the air...you must eat the CORN. ALL OF THE CORN. See what I mean...I blame the weather for my crazyness right now. I had to really floss after the popcorn eating contest also. Holy moly the kernels get stuck in my teeth something awful. Ok...TMI and now I'm changing the topic to soda. Why do you have to drink a soda with movie theater popcorn? Honestly I don't usually drink soda. I mean I will use it in a mixed drink now and then, but we don't buy soda for daily consumption. Oh my eating is bad lately, but HEY Jack...It's Spring Break.
Look at this mess of an iPhone. We went to the mall today to have this fixed to the tune of $89.00. OUCH! I dropped my phone not only once, but twice. AFTER HAYDEN DROPPED HIS iPod touch. What is wrong with our hands that neither one of us can hold onto these pricey little devices? His was cheaper to fix, but still. It's like buying tires. You have to do it even though you don't wanna. I didn't want glass to chip off any longer. I was leaving a glass trail. Did I mention I had to leave my phone with them while we shopped? I missed it so much. I'm pathetic.
We ate lunch and then had ice cream treats. I ordered salted caramel truffle ice cream and I almost went back for another scoop. It was to die for. The kids got Playdoh. Yep. That yellow stuff has enough dye in it to choke a chicken. It is vanilla ice cream with multi-colored sugar cookie chunks. It was gooooUUUood (said in my best cousin Eddie voice)!! Gary got his favorite mint chocolate chip.
These two little heathens needed to burn off some steam. Wow ... maybe I should have done the same thing. We let them play at the nasty, germy mall play area, ahem I mean the fun, super cool play area. Germs make their immune systems better right?!
There is our Spring Break Monday and Tuesday in a nutshell. Also we are all really addicted to Candy Crush. Gary and I are bad addicted. Oh and the kids won't sleep in. And Lily won't either. So we have that going for us. And now I am off to get an attitude adjustment....SEND US THE SUNSHINE!

Just came off of spring break and ditto with the weather! May I say "UGHHHHHHHH"? I'm sick sick sick of this weather! I need green grass and Vitamin D!
My son and his girlfriends/family went to Gulf Shores and stopped in West Monroe and got to go to church with the Robertsons! Then stopped again on way back. Got to go to warehouse and see the crew and buy great stuff! He said it was so fun!
Love the Duck Commanders! :0)
That ice cream looks sooo good & I'm not even a huge ice cream eater.
I totally feel you on the popcorn!! I am the same way!! I insist on getting my own large and forbid any stray hands it in. Then I will complain the rest of the day about feeling like I could barf at any second :)
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