Friday, January 3, 2014

Christmas tree turned rocket ship!

I took down all our Christmas decorations right before the snow storm hit.  I drug that big ole tree outside all by myself with a little help from the kids while Gary was at work.  It was one of those day where I just wanted to clean the entire house.  I was tired of the needles covering the living room floor.  I didn't really think about were to put the tree, I just pushed it off the porch and left it, thinking Gary would dispose of it for me.

And then it snowed several inches.

And the kids devised a plan to use that tree.

And of course I took pictures!

Rocket ship blasting through the sky....

And Lily joins in on the rocket party!

They began to shove one another off the tree and into the mounds of snow.

The giggles made me smile.

Oh what fun!!

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