I love this polish for spring! It is called Lacey Lilac, by Sally Hansen.
I am always looking for new shampoo and conditioner. I like to switch brands because it seems like my hair changes so often. Right now this Loreal 'Ever Pure' is a favorite. It controls the frizz that has taken over my hair lately. I also use the conditioner. They both smell so good!
I feel like a commercial for all things Loreal. I love Loreal. I love that I can grab it at Target or Wal-Mart while I am shopping. I love this pressed powder. I'm not a big "foundation" wearer. It just seems so thick and heavy to me. Maybe I just enjoy skipping that step in the mornings. I like to run a brush over this powder and brush it on my face and go!
I don't really need to say much about Burt's Bees.
If you haven't used it you should buy a tube. I use it every night and during the day too, when I don't have lip gloss on. I LOVE it!!
I love this lotion. I am all about smell, and this smells great and it is springy.
Is springy a word? Well if not it is now...I need springy in my life ;)
I love lip gloss. But my all time favorite lip gloss is Victoria's Secret. The Java flavor is getting old, so I need to make a trip to get a spring/summer flavor or two.
What have you tried lately that you think I'd like?

If that shampoo helps with frizz then I need to check it out! It seems like as soon the temps get above 60 my hair turns into giant fuzz ball! I have some lip gloss from Bath and Body works that I love. One is mint and one is cinammon and I love that I can use it when I don't have gum and I still feel like my breath will be a little fresher:)
I'm always looking for new shampoo, too!! I am going to have to try this! Thanks for the recommendation! :)
love that color polish...and yes, springy is in my vocabulary :)
You could be L'oreal's new paid sponsor :) I'm always looking for a new shampoo too. I have not tried Burt's Bees but I think I'll pick one up. Wait, I have tried their cuticle cream and I loved that. Thanks for sharing.
Oh I'm the worst about buying new shampoo. My shower looks like the aisle at Walmart!
Hey- I just bought some lip gloss from Bath and Body Works~ it's Sangria flavored! Love it for spring! It's just a great shine! :)
I totally almost bought that powder the other day...now I wish I would've! I'm going to try that shampoo. Someone else I know tried it and liked it too. Will have to pick some up!
I'm a shampoo-a-holic, too. I've been trying to do better, and not collect so many bottles in the shower. I love Ever Pure! And I just ordered some new bb's lip balms from our co-op today. Woot!
I love love the color of that polish for spring!
I have the same powder and Burts Bees lip balm...love it!
I change shampoos all the time, it's like my hair gets tired of the same one time after time. and i LOVE victoria's secret lip gloss!
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