We had the busiest most fun weekend!
Friday we had a blast at the zoo with Layla's kindergarten classmates.
I love seeing Layla with her friends...they are so silly.
Gary took a vacation day and went with us. He and Hayden had a fun time cruising around. I couldn't imagine being a chaperone at the zoo with all those kids and Hayden too. We had our hands full.
Friday night I made a big batch of chicken spaghetti and Aaron, Ashley and Ava came over to play. I ate my weight in chicken spaghetti and then I ate a ton of Sopapilla cheesecake. It was heavenly! I need to share my recipe for that with you.
Saturday was a lazy day here at home because we were all worn out from the zoo. Some of the neighborhood kids came over to play in the backyard.
We LOVE having our backyard on the green belt. It makes me feel so good about the kids playing on the back sidewalk instead of out front on the sidewalk near the street. I had to take a picture of the kids scooters all laid out all over the grass while they were jumping on the trampoline.
Hayden always has fun playing with the neighborhood boys. They are all Layla's age or older, so he feels so big when he gets to hang out with Layla and her friends. I sometimes laugh though, because they are all boys. Layla is tough though, she doesn't mind hanging with the guys.
Layla was so excited about her very first sleepover on Saturday night. I was so nervous about it, but it turned out great. We go to church with the most of the kids parents that were invited to the sleepover, so I felt very good about the whole thing. There were 8 little girls running around, excited and hyper about a fun slumber party. The bonus...I got mommy time with some other moms. We all had a few glasses of wine while the little girls ran and played. It was a fun evening. Layla did great, and was never nervous or scared. When I picked her up the next morning she was so happy and excited to have "slept over!"
Sunday was a fun day here at home. We skipped church because Layla was just so tired from her big night. We did venture out to buy fertilizer and eat Whataburger. There is nothing like a yummy cheeseburger. And I am so ready for this dry yard to be green again. I vacuum grass up every single day! Gary loves making his yard look all nice and green. I think he has a competition going with the neighborhood men. They all like to see who's yard looks the best. haha!
We played out back and even caught a butterfly. I hope that means spring is almost here. The kids were so excited to catch the butterfly and hold it captive in a jar. Poor thing. I think it died in the end.
And I am posting this update super duper late, because we are on Spring Break! I meant to post this yesterday(Monday), but we were busy all day long. It was cold outside, so we went shopping. Layla needed spring clothes. She is so picky and I get so frustrated with her when we shop. She is just like me, bless her heart. She can't decide what she likes. The only thing she knew is that she wanted dresses. So we bought a few skirts and tops and lots of dresses. We went to Target and The Children's Place. Layla asked to go the JC Penny because it is right by our house, but we didn't have time. We may do a girl shopping trip this week since we are free...Spring Break is awesome!!!
I am so excited about the rest of the week. Layla spent almost of today playing with her friend Emma Kate at her house. Hayden and I hung out here are the house. He was my super big helper while I cleaned the house. I cleaned it from top to bottom, but I got the most work done while he was napping. I even cleaned my oven. It was nasteee! I use it so much...I guess that is a good thing. Anyway, I'm super tired and I need to get these hyper, overtired kids in the bed so momma can sit down. Whew!
Is anyone else having a hard time spell checking posts in blogger? I am so frustrated. I am a horrible speller and I need spell check to work, but for some reason it won't spell check my posts. I am annoyed....so over look my spelling. I'm done trying to figure it out. Bye!

Sopapilla cheesecake...say what?! I must see that. Sounds like you had a great weekend and are going to have a great Spring Break. Enjoy each moment. I didn't notice any spelling errors but then again I'm not the best either.
I love the pic. of all the kids! So cute. Sounds like a nice weekend!
What a great weekend. I can't wait for the kids to be older to do things like that. So much fun!
Man you did have a busy weekend...I'm tired just reading about it:) I want that cheesecake recipe for sure! My boys still haven't done the sleepover thing, but I think boys are a lot later doing that kind of thing than girls are. I hope y'all have a great rest of spring break!
Looks like y'all had a great weekend! My hubby & the neighbor men are the same way about the grass. I'm so glad because I love a pretty yard!!
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