Whew! Today has been a day. A good day, but one of those days I never stopped. I was busy all day long. Hayden woke our entire house up at 6:20 this morning. I had hopes of turning on the TV in the playroom for him so I could crawl back into bed for a few minutes, but after I got him settled both dogs wanted to go outside to potty. Layla needed help getting dressed and my chances of waking up laying in bed reading my twitter feed were over. Twitter wakes me up every morning. I get my news from my twitter pals.
I got the kids breakfast and decided that they both have tape worms. I worried about each child as a toddler because they never ate. Holy moly...they eat now. Don't get me wrong they go through phases where they don't eat, or are super picky, but today for breakfast they each had half a toaster strudel, 4 strawberries a piece and 2 french toast sticks. Grocery shopping day is tomorrow so they were getting leftovers of whatever we had left from the week. Once we got Layla dropped off at school Hayden came home and ate 3 bowls of cereal. I was shocked. And now we are out of cereal. Five minutes later he was asking for a snack. Sheesh!
After cleaning the kitchen and getting a load of laundry started I headed to my bedroom to get dressed for a lunch date we had with one of Hayden's preschool friends. I had to stop getting dress to spank a boys hiney because he thought is was cool to write with an ink pen on his bed. Ridiculous. So off we we went to Chic-fil-A. Hayden ate 4 chicken nuggets and his fruit cup. I ate the same thing but I had 6 nuggets. Why am I telling you what I ate? This is the first time I have eaten at Chic-fil-A and not ordered a salad or my favorite original sandwich. I love that sandwich, but I am counting calories and I am determined to have lost weight when I weigh-in in the morning. (Friday is my self declared weigh in day) I am patting myself on the back for making a healthy eating choice, when usually I don't. I love love love Chic-fil-A sandwiches. They are my one weakness.
After Hayden and his buddy played in the play area for a bit we headed home. Hayden fought his nap, but was so tired. I'm not sure if he slept or not, but he was quiet in his room while I rode our stationary bike. I rode it for 50 minutes and 30 minutes in Hayden came into the room to chat. haha! I turned the most annoying kid show ever on (Caillou) and he watched while I finished riding.
Once I was done working out I had 20 minutes to get dinner in the slow cooker before we had to go pick Layla up from school. After she got home from school I baked a cookie sheet of Valentine cookies while she did her homework and Hayden played outside. Layla ate so much when she got home from school. She ate a roll with butter, a jello/fruit bowl, 2 cookies and asked for cereal, but Hayden ate it all for breakfast. I was amazed at the food she is putting away.
Layla and Hayden played in the backyard while I folded laundry and then it was time to start dinner. I chopped an onion and checked on the sweet potatoes baking in the oven. I attempted to make creamed spinach, but it was ick. I always have good intentions, but my creamed spinach is just always weird. On the menu for tonight was brown sugar pork tenderloin in the slow cooker. Baked mashed sweet potatoes and spinach ick. haha! The kids had butter noodles instead of spinach. I wasn't even going to try putting in on their plate. I looked at my plate a little disappointed tonight. It was just a mediocre meal.
Gary is at a conference at a nearby hotel, so he lucked out of the nursing home meal. Anyway, after I cleaned out the dishwasher and cleaned the kitchen from dinner it was bath time for the babes. Bath time is always fun around here. Hayden is 3 1/2 years old and HATES taking a bath. He cries every time he takes a bath. If he had his choice he'd never bathe. I am the queen of super fast baths with it comes to showering him off. When he sits in a tub of water his eczema burns, so we shower him off every night. I also decided Daisy Mae was nasty and she fought a bath too. That was fun...NOT! But all three are clean!
Finally we sit down to read books and the kids have been loving watching American Idol. We only watch a few minutes, and then it is 7:20 and it is time to brush teeth and get into bed. Why so early?? Because it takes that long to get everyone into bed. And guess what? They don't stay in bed, so if we start early they will get to bed at a normal hour. Layla is reading a Junie B Jones book, critiquing her grammar, while I say prayers with Hayden and sing his night time songs. Then he wants his back scratched. " No rub mommy, scratch it please." Finally he is all set and I am off to the next room. This is why tag team parenting works. Each parent gets a kid to get settled in bed and then we switch. Not tonight, Gary is gone. Anyway, I get to Layla's room and she is still reading aloud. I am cracking up at her laughing at Junie's crazy tall tales.
Finally I tuck Layla in and set her music. I am done! As I walk out of her bedroom door I almost trip on a dog. Harley is standing there staring at me. She wants something. Oh Lord. So I travel to the kitchen and see no food or water in her bowls. Now, both dogs are fed and I hit the showers because Grey's Anatomy is on tonight!! Whoop! I shower since I didn't shower after working out.
Guess what? Guess who was standing in the bathroom waiting for me to step out of the shower?? {Never a moment of privacy.}
It was Layla.
She said, "Mommy, I can't stop thinking about fire."
I said, "Seriously?"
Now before you think I am a horrible mother and I don't care if she is scared I must say every night it is another natural disaster, so read on....
I then said, "Honey I am so sorry that you are worried about our house catching fire, but I assure you everything is going to be ok. Why don't you think about a nice sunny beach with water and the waves hitting the sand?"
Her response, "Oh but then I'd be worried about sharks."
I hugged her as awkwardly as I could trying cover myself with a towel. I was soaking wet.
I ordered her to bed. Lordy lordy.
I feel 100% better and I am so thrilled to see my couch. It and a nice glass of water are waiting on me and then I hear little feet. Not puppy feet, but little boy feet.
I calmly ask, "What can I do for you sir?"
He said, "I lost BearBear. I can't find him anywhere and my room is dak."
I went right in and found his bear friend and re-tucked him in. As I left the room I thanked the Lord for my sweet children. They are so much work, but I wouldn't trade them for anything.
The couch was closer! I did it! I sat down and right after my butt hit the cushion my phone rang. I am not kidding. It was charging so I got up to answer it and it was my dear sweet husband. He called to say he was heading home and he'd be here in 30 minutes. He asked ever so nicely if I'd wait to watch Grey's until he arrived.
And here we are. I have been typing for 30 minutes because the garage door just opened. He is home and I am glad he made it home safely. All my peeps are safe for the night here at home and I am about to hit publish on this very long and obnoxious diary of my day. If you made it to the end of this post you are a rock star. There should be a special prize for you. I know you are thinking dang, she has some errors in this post. Grammar like whoooaaa! You know what? I'm too tired to go back and proof read tonight. That is L.A.Z.Y. Sorry!
It has been a long time since I have posted a diary of our day. I wasn't planning on doing it, but as I typed my hands just kept tapping and wow...this is a long post. And I just realized I still need to do a meal plan because tomorrow is grocery day!
Peace out!

I think it's a great post. How cute is it that your hubby asked you to wait to watch Grey's...love it!!!!
haha ur day sounds like mine...only toss in a few more kids more chaos and 3 meals to feed a huge army....
i need more dishwashers and a triple oven
Isn't it crazy how wild your day can be but still be so mundane...I feel like I do almost the same thing every single day, but it never seems to get boring:) My kiddos have been bottomless pits lately. All Eli wants to do all day long is eat. I've tried to cook spinach a few times and it has always been a bust. I did mix it into some pasta with alfredo sauce one time and it was sort of okay, but not great.
I hear ya, I'm so pooped by the end of the day. Kiddos wear you you. I often have a little girl out of bed after being tucked in b/c she can't find Teddy. It is always something! They are all so precious and worth every tired moment. Hope you have a relaxing Friday, and good job on the counting calories. I'm trying to as well, but can't cut back too much since I am still breastfeeding-just trying to work out and cut out some sugary choices. I need to lose 10 lbs, 15 ideally. Here's to boring meals and slimmer waists!
Sweet...I'm a rock star :) That is one long day. I had to laugh at a few points because I can totally relate. You're a wonderful mom! Glad all of your peeps are safe and sound.
What a day! I just think I'm tired every day. What would I do if I had kids? I LOVE the original chick fil a sandwich. LOVE! The nuggets are great too. My weakness is the chocolate shake with all that wonderful whipped cream. Can you tell I haven't been there in awhile??
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