I am getting very excited about the Dallas Blogger Meet up coming at the end of the month.
For you non-bloggers that read my blog: We are a bunch of blog ladies getting together to hang out and get to know one another in real life! I can't wait to meet some of my internet friends. I have been blogging and tweeting with some of these friends for years. There are some ladies coming to the meet up I have never met so, I am joining in on a post entitled "getting to know you."
My name is Angie and I was born and raised here in Texas. I love all things Texas!
I'm married to my best friend, Gary. We met in 1996 and were married in September of 2000.
We have two children. Layla is age 5 and Hayden is 2.
We also have two fur babies, Harley
and Bogey.
I love to cook. I really enjoy being in the kitchen. I love that {usually} my family eats what I cook!
I love Texas country music and the perfect date night is when Gary takes me out for dinner and dancing. I really like all kinds of music as well. I'm not partial only to country music I LOVE all music.
I could eat Mexican food for breakfast lunch and dinner and margarita's are good too.
We really enjoy being outside. Usually you can find us playing outside in the backyard when the weather is nice. We love to go camping any time we can get away.
I love the color purple, but I also like pink and royal blue too.
I have a huge bruise on my nose right now. Every time I look at it I giggle. Hayden and I were wrestling and he head butted me. Ouch. The bruise gets darker everyday, but luckily it doesn't hurt anymore. I wonder what people think when they see it?
I have a love affair with cheesecake. I really need it in my life. My thighs need it in small doses only.
I love Target.
I grew up in a very small town and about 70 people were in my senior class.
One of my favorite things ever is a clean house on a spring day with the windows open. Mercy!
Gary and I laugh a LOT! Our kids are so funny and they keep us on our toes. We tend to be a tad sarcastic too.
I love to paint and repaint my fingernails and toenails. I am always looking for a new nail color. My hair is almost as bad, but not quite. I am brunette, but this time of year I get a strong desire to highlight my brown hair. Being blone is so fun in the summertime!
I never thought I'd be a stay at home mom. I was very much into my career before I had kids, but now that I am a mom, this job is perfect for me and I LOVE IT!
My life isn't perfect and I realize that. I have been through some rough stuff from time to time, but I am so thankful for all the things that shaped me into who I am today. I am usually a very positive person.
Ok, I'll stop there...if you are going to the Dallas Blogger Meet up, jump over to Jenn's blog and link your post so we can get to know you.

You are going to have so much fun:)
Somehow I knew you had to be a small town girl. We had 90 in our class and that was large...usually only about 60. Gotta love it!
This is stinking awesome! Love getting to know more about you!!! And that is so cool about the Texas blogger meet up, soooo wish I lived in Texas right now! Like, for real.
P.S I LOVE Target too!
Man I wish I could go...how fun!!! Loved reading this list too. I posted the A-Z today. I'm with you about eating Mexican anytime...I love it! And...I love a clean house on a Spring day with the windows open...that made me smile. Thanks for sharing :)
Hi there! Just saw your post and I just linked up for DBM too! I completely agree about the Mexican food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner -- I think that's a Texas thing. ;)
I can't wait to meet you!! I graduated with close to 600 in my graduating class and you better believe I knew everyone!! Haha!
can't wait to 'finally' met you! we have soooo much in common!!!
aw you are oign to have so much fun! I wish I could go to something like this and meet all my blog friends out there! Can't wait to hear all about it.
Um, I can't wait to meet you. And you're totally gorgeous. Hope I look that good after two munchkins : )
I love country music and dancing too : ) And target . . .
Just stopping by to say hi. I have been digging through your recipes. I am the world's worst meal planner, but You have given me some good ideas. Sadly for my waistline, I seem to have picked all your cream cheese recipes. LOL yummy!
Girl I could eat Mexican at all three meals with you!!
I so wish I lived in Dallas. I want to come!!
Mexican food, margaritas and cheesecake...sounds like a perfect meal!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!!! I love love love Texas country too!
Your kids and pups are too cute!!!
Can't wait to meet you in a couple weeks!
How fun!!! :)
Loved reading this and getting to know you more!
( I <3 Texas country too!)
There is nothing like a clean house with the windows open on a gorgesous spring day!
How exciting to have a meet up! You are so lucky to have so many great bloggers near by. Have a great time!
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