We stared our weekend on Saturday morning by hitting up a few estate sales. We got this globe for $1.00. I couldn't believe it! The kids were asking me for a globe about a week ago. They were happy little people when we saw this steal.
I got a brand spanking new bicycle! I am just as excited as a kid would be. I am thrilled to ride my new beach cruiser. I couldn't decide if I wanted a more sporty bicycle, but when I sat on this beauty I was in love! It is comfy to ride.
Hayden and Layla got a fun care package from Netsie and DeDe. Hayden doesn't even want me to wash his new shorts. He wants to wear them all the time. He is obsessed with Toy Story.
Layla loves her new zebra shades!
The outfit they gave her matches the shades perfectly. I want a pair of flip-flops like those.
Gary and I did an outside home makeover project on Saturday. I can't wait to share it with you!
We had our first frozen Popsicles of the season on Saturday.
It was a hot 80 degree day. We had to cool off with frozen treats!
Layla wanted to play outside the entire weekend, so she wore a cap and shades while she was outside. She matched her shirt. I saw this picture and it made me giggle. She is doing great protecting her injury!
Nothing says spring like deviled eggs and BBQ grilled chicken.
MeMaw and Aunt Susan came for a visit on Sunday. We played outside. Daisy sat with MeMaw for hours. She loves her MeMaw. I think MeMaw misses having a dog, so she loves Daisy equally as much!
We Skyped with Kristin on the patio outside.
When MeMaw saw the kids with Popsicles she just had to have one too.
We had a fun weekend and are refueled and ready for a fun week!

Looks like a great time! I love Layla's new shades...she's so cute taking care of her wound. I want one of the deviled eggs right now! I love how MeMaw go in on the Popsicle fun :)
Ya'll are the cutest family. You look so cute on your new bike. Love it!
I love your new bike! Jason and I both have to get new bike before our trip and I can't decide if I want a cruiser or more of a mountain bike...I'm leaning toward cruiser but Jason think they are harder to ride on not flat surfaces. Layla's new outfit is so cute! And yum to the eggs and bbq chicken!
Great bike! I haven't ridden mine yet this year. I LOVE deviled eggs. I've never made them. I guess I need to learn. Love Layla's flips flops & sunglasses! My nephew Logan's, new obsession is Toy Story.
the weather this year has been amazing! the zebra outfit is adorable! she is a stylin' little girl...and her matching her shirt is so cute!
Looked like a great visit with family...and what a cool bike! I love riding my bike, but the seat is uncomfortable and Elizabeth is already getting heavy to pull around behind me :-)
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