Layla got to stay up a little later tonight since it's the weekend. She is so sweet and I just love the little lady she is becoming.
First I just want to say we have been very open and honest with our kids about our upcoming move. We never sheltered them and we have always made them feel like they were part of the family when it comes to moving.
While watching the Disney channel tonight we started talking about moving because they were talking about moving. She said almost exactly what I feel. She said, "Mom, I'm not really sad about moving. I'm sad when I think about leaving my friends, but I make friends so easily I know I'll be fine." It's like she jumped into my brain and said what I feel. I feel like I have done my job as a parent after hearing her say this. I know moving is hard and can be scary, but I also know that having confidence is so important as a child. I think she is going to be just fine. I feel like Gary and I have done the right things so far to make her comfortable with the idea of moving. Hayden is just so young, I know he will do great.
I know we haven't left yet and we have lots of goodbyes to say. Hopefully she will continue to feel this way in the weeks to come. I think we will all adjust just fine to our move. The internet has made it so easy to keep up with our friends and family.
I'm thankful for this blog so Layla and Hayden can look back someday on this move. I know for sure that Layla will enjoy looking back though blog pictures and pictures on my Picasa account. I have hundreds of pictures for years and years. We love looking back and seeing our memories on a slide show. Hopefully my addiction to taking pictures will help us through times when we are missing Texas and our friends and family,

what a sweet heart!!! you've done good, momma! :)
She is such a doll! Good job with this one. I moved a few times growing up and it made me really close to my family. I can't imagine how much easier it is for kids now that you don't have to write letters or ask your parents for a long distance call!
Aw...she is a smart and brave girl! I have never left "home" so I would be so nervous! you are all going to make more great friends! I love that blogging can preserve our memories and create friendships too! haven't been around much, but love hearing your updates! best wishes in these weeks to come! ;-)
It's funny because Eliana has said very similar things and it makes me feel comfort and confidence in my decision to move.
She's going to do great and you are doing a great job mama!
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