I am sad to say I couldn't handle the Cinch diet. I did great until the stress from the week caught up with me. Gary being sick, me being stressed about keeping the kids away from him. (Have you ever tried to keep your kids away from their daddy after he's been out of town for a week?) All they wanted to do was see him and hug is neck. Bless their hearts. They finally got to hug him yesterday.
Wednesday after lunch I was going nuts. I had that weird taste in my mouth, along with hairy feeling teeth...and a non stop head ache. I also felt so sluggish. Maybe that diet wasn't the best for me, or the stress was interfering. I was so sluggish at one point on Wednesday I thought I might be getting the flu. And y'all know me. I love food, cooking and preparing meals for the family. If I had to eat another egg with spinach I thought I'd die. I do love all those foods, but I dunno? I just couldn't handle it this time. I did it for 2 1/2 days and maybe I will try again soon. And I lost 3 pounds. I don't know if it was worth it?
Gary is feeling much better. Thank you so much for all the well wishes. He even worked a bit yesterday. He sat in his office and took a few phone calls. He was struggling at around 4 in the afternoon. I looked up from what I was doing and he was asleep on the couch. Poor guy...the flu really got him down. The wild thing about it all to me is, one of Gary's co -workers was at the same convention in Indianapolis last week. She got a flu shot and STILL got the flu. She had is just as bad as Gary. I'm still thinking we aren't getting shots in the future. Blah!
Yesterday was a horrible day for me. It was great until I took Hayden to get a haircut and he refused to sit in the seat. I took him to the bathroom and gave him a talking to, but he didn't care. I was so mad at him. He has never acted this way about a haircut. I couldn't believe it. So I grabbed him up and left. I'm sure the people in Sport Clips thought I had lost my mind...they would be correct y'all. I cried the entire way home. I was so stressed out. It seems like my bad day just got worse from there. Everything went wrong and I just threw my hands in the air and cried some more. Thankfully, today is a new day and I am so thankful for that. I hope Gary feels better soon because Hayden really needs a haircut, and I don't want to take him. Daddy can take him!! Is it weird that I feel so bad about this, like I am a bad parent because I couldn't make my kid sit down in the chair to get a hair cut? I feel like my two year old won this battle. But was it even a battle at all? Oh and while I'm complaining...Can someone please take NO out of the English language? That is all Hayden says. All the time, No, No, No. Booo!
I am looking so forward to this weekend. I think the weather is going to be nice! I want to relax and maybe get a mani-pedi..hint hint Gary!! I also would love a steak..hint hint Gary.
What are you doing this weekend?

So sorry girl, I think we all have these weeks. Hopefully your weekend turns around to be a LOT better than your week!
Thinking of you girl!!
I hope today is a million times better for you! My week hasn't been so great either! It has been hard to stick to cleanse, but it helps that Jason is doing it too so we can share in the misery! I have lost 6.5 pounds this week and I think Jason has lost almost 8! Maybe you can try it again when Gary is feeling better. I had to hold Eli's head still the last time he got a haircut because he refused to be still!! It stressed me out big time and I left apologizing to the poor lady that was cutting his hair! I agree though, make daddy take him next time:)
Girl, if you don’t go and give yourself a mani-pedi, I am going to be mad at you. You deserve it!!!!!!! :)
You are so completely normal for having a bad day. If it's any consolation though, it does get easier! Now that mine are almost 7and 9, I can finally say that things don't seem as overwhelming. That are at an age where you can reason with them. Sigh! Hang in there :)
Oh dear, I feel ya. 2 yr olds can be tough on a Mama and make her question everything. LK won't sit still or quiet in church for 5 minutes, and 1/2 the time when I ask her to do something she just ignores me or refuses. Hang in there it is
Friday! All that spinach and eggs begs for something rich and sweet...oh wait, that would defeat the point. I sure hope you have a great weekend!
OH NO! I hope the weekend is better for you. It's like you can never get a break... once a week goes bad it always gets worse. Here's to hoping next week is awesome!
Tell Gary I'd like a steak too...man that sounds good. I was telling a few friends about you being on that diet...I'm sorry it didn't work out fully, but at least you tried. 3 pounds is great! I don't think the shot covered the right flu this year...my mom and I were just talking about that. I hope he's feeling better and you too. We all need a good cry every once in a while. Sometimes our kids can take us there! (((HUGS)))
Your personal well-being (mental, emotional, physical, whatever) is always of more importance than a silly diet. Losing 3 pounds in 2.5 days sounds awesome, but if you were feeling so crappy, it definitely wasn't worth it. I really hope this weekend presents you with time to relax and chill out... It sounds like you had a pretty stressful week!
I'm so sorry you had such a bad day. I hope today & the weekend is a great one!
Mine isn't two until Tuesday... but I feel your pain! I think the terrible two's started 6 months ago!
I would have felt bad too! I'm so paranoid about turning in to one of those moms you see on reality TV that lets their kid walk all over them... But sometimes when Knox acts up in public it seems like I have to choose btw either giving in, or having him throw a huge fit. Either way - embarassing! But I think that's just the nature of a 2yr old, and I think most people who've ever had one understand :)
PS - I'd make my husband take him back too! haha
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