I'm still feeling pretty crummy, but the Christmas festivities must go on!
The kids were bouncing off the walls today with excitement and anticipation.
I am really sad that we weren't able to attend Christmas Eve services tonight. I couldn't stop coughing and sniffling long enough. It didn't seem right for me to get other families sick on Christmas Eve.
We made the best of our day. The kids opened a few of their presents and we put them to good use. We had a Wii tournament. They each got a new Wii game and we also got a family game we can all four play together. We had a fun time playing except I am really way to competitive. I get so frustrated when I can't play and WIN. All of my people laugh at me when I get all riled up. It burns me up! haha!
This evening we had an early dinner and did a king crab leg boil. We boiled corn, potatoes and crab legs and dipped it all in a butter bath. It was awesome! The kids had a great time and so did Gary and I. It was a fun dinner and I think the kids love crab legs!
We baked chocolate chip cookies for Santa, but Layla decided he needed frosting and sprinkles too.
Mmmmm! Cookies are yum.
Tonight my sweet tooth is out of control. I just want to eat every cookie in sight!
Our Christmas tradition lives on. We all got a brand new pair of PJ's and Layla and I promptly changed from one set of pj's to another. We have been Laaaay.Zeeee!
The babes sprinkled reindeer food and then we tucked them into bed for the night. I bet it took them a whole hour to calm themselves down for the night. I remember that feeling though. I just loved Christmas as a kid and I still do. I'm just a kid myself, but now I love giving more than getting. I love to see the joy in the kids eyes on Christmas morning.
Merry Christmas Eve everyone and Happy Birthday to Jesus!

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