I have been letting myself eat whatever I want. I count calories every day and enter them into an iPhone app. I do better not eating so terribly bad if I hold myself accountable. Once the warmer weather hit I remembered the swimming pool...bathing suit and shorts weather. Summer is not far away...my kids love to play in the water and go to our community pool. I have to get these few extra pounds off. Gary and I decided once he got home from his business trip, we would start the Cinch program on Monday. I bought the groceries for the plan. I literally ate everything we had here at home and only purchased the 5 foods so I wouldn't be tempted to mess up...haha! I didn't want an excuse to wuss out. Well, when Gary came down with the flu, I lost my partner. But, I am still doing it. I bought the book and read the entire thing on my Nook app. The book is so full of recipes for the latter 25 day program. And it of course has recipes for the 5 day fast forward and a shopping list. All that for $13.80 and I didn't have to leave the house. Not to mention I couldn't find the book in the few stores I went to.
The food you can eat during these 5 days:
plain yogurt
I started Monday morning rushing the kids to school. I was so tired because Gary went to ER that night. I almost gave up before I started. But around 8 am I scrambled my egg, sauteed my spinach and measured out my raspberries and almonds for meal #1. I ate the scramble pretty fast and took the raspberries and almonds with me on my way to take Hayden to school. I drank a ton of water also...which is so important in any weight loss plan. I drank a cup of coffee...with splenda. You aren't supposed to have artificial sweeteners, but I can't do coffee black. And I was so tired I needed coffee. I hadn't planned on having it, but life happens y'all!!
At around 12:30pm I made a parfait. It consisted of yogurt, raspberries and almonds. It was a little hard to swallow at first. So much thick regular non-fat yogurt...but I added cinnamon and it was WAY better. And of course I drank water. The plan says you can have tea, but so far I am just doing water.
All day I felt a weird feeling in my chest and stomach. I can't explain it. I wasn't sure if I was getting (flu) sick, or if it was the diet. Not pain, but a cool-slight burning. Also...my teeth feel like they have hair on them. I can't brush my teeth enough. I'm not a huge berry fan, maybe the berries make my teeth feel weird. Besides being a little hungry in between meals those are the only side effects so far.
Dinnertime (5:30pm) rolled around and I made myself a hard boiled egg, a bowl of spinach (2 cups) and then I had a side bowl of raspberries and slivered almonds. I chopped the egg and threw it on my spinach and put a ton of pepper on the "salad'. I topped the salad with clementine juice. Surprisingly it was good. I was about done with the raspberries by then though. Ugh! And my thought was I have 4 more days of this and a smoothie tonight. Yep, since you are supposed to eat every 4 hours you have a smoothie late like at 10pm. I tried so hard to stay up to have my last meal, but I was so dang tired from the day and the night before. I fell asleep and missed my smoothie. Shoot. I hope that doesn't mess me up.
I woke up very hungry this morning, Tuesday. After I dropped Layla off at school I had more time to make my breakfast. I spent a few minutes scrambling the egg alone this time. (yesterday I scrambled the spinach and egg all together), Then I sauteed spinach after I scrambled the egg. I put garlic and onion powder on the spinach and a touch of olive oil. It was much better than the rush job I did on Monday morning. I ate it with blueberries and slivered almonds. I don't know if blueberries are OK, but I can't do raspberries every single day.
I did a few things different than the plan recommends and I'm hoping those few changes will be OK. Let me just tell you, it was so hard to fix the kids dinner last night. I wanted a bite of their mac and cheese, but I was strong. The worst is seeing commercials for food. I don't usually do things half way and I am determined. I really like these 5 foods, so I don't feel too deprived. I hope it gives me the jump start I need to curve my sweet tooth and more than anything I just want to retrain my brain. I want to treat myself to good stuff once in awhile, not every day. Lately I just grab a cupcake or candy whenever the mood strikes me. Gotta get back on track and if I loose 8 lbs in 5 days then hallelujah!!
I will try to post again on Thursday to let you know how I am doing. I know there are several of you that have questions, so if I didn't answer them in this post, email me and I can try to help you.

Good luck! I know there's no way I could eat only those foods for 5 days!
This sounds interesting! I have been struggling with the idea of shorts and warmer weather clothes for a little while now, knowing my body isn't ready to wear that kind of stuff yet...
So I went back on Weight Watchers Monday and gave up soda cold turkey! It's only been a day but I'm doing good on giving up the soda, despite horrible caffeine withdrawl headaches.
Weight Watchers is the only thing that seems to work for me. I can eat normal foods, just smaller portions and counting points is easy for me to manage.
I commend y'all for trying something new. Look forward to seeing how it turns out! Good luck, Angie!
Happy Tuesday!
Oh and gotta know...how's the Greek yogurt? I've heard mixed things! Is it worth trying!?
Very interesting Angie! You'll have to let us know how it goes. I can't imagine only having 5 things for a week! Good luck!!
Go you! And spinach will do that to your teeth. I bet that's what it is.
Sounds intense. I'm thinking your few modifications shouldn't hurt anything. Let us know how it goes!! I might could get through 5 days of that...maybe...for 8 pounds!
I couldn't handle the raspberries either...they were way too tart for me! We did blueberries and strawberries and it was much more enjoyable:) We also did half non fat plain yogurt and half flavored yogurt....those together make the smoothie really yummy! Good luck this week! I am Cinching right along with you this week!
ok i can't do it....i do love love raspberries though i could eat them until the cows come home...
i'm not motivated enough to do this diet thing yet! i will when i try real clothes on though..haha for now it's nursing tanks and cotton yoga capri pants! haha
ohhh but keep up the good work! ur doing great! :o)
Oh, Angie! You are a champ! Sticking to your diet while feeding the kids MAC 'N CHEESE is hardcore! I think blueberries will probably be fine...I'm guessing the point of the diet is to get a ton more fruits and veggies into your diet, so probably any berry is fine. I was wondering how you could stomach that many raspberries for that long! I love berries as a snack...but probably not 4 times a day.
You go, girl! I don't think I could do raspberries that much, either. They are one weird fruit, and always leave a strange aftertaste in my mouth. This reminds me of when I was trying not to gain a bunch of weight the last month of pregnancy, and all I ate was spinach salads for a week. I'm cheering you on in spirit, friend! ;)
Man you guys are my heroes!!!
can't wait to see how the rest of the week goes. i thought maybe i'd jump in and try this but then i saw the list of 5 foods, and i don't like any of them :D
do you use the my fitness pal on the iphone?
Oh mercy... I'm sure I'm going to need to do something after this baby comes. However, I'm afraid diets won't work around here. I gotta fix a real meal for my hubby!
This sounds awesome Angie, good for you for being so strict!!! I really need to get myself one of these iphone things.....
Hope all is well with you!
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