Last week was a a rough week in our house. Layla didn't have soccer all week long, so I thought the week would have been less eventful and easy. It was far from easy. It was wild and crazy and I am thankful we are into a new week. Some parenting days are good and some are bad. We have bad days around here, but I choose positive blogs posts...haha! I'm sure you have your own drama, you don't want to hear about mine :)
Our new week has brought new weather. This morning we woke up to cool temperatures and wind. It is in the 50's here this morning and I am so very happy!! The wind makes it feel even colder. Eeeeepppp! I'm thrilled!
Can you tell I am thrilled?!! I use !!!! all the time. I am really trying to stop using so many of these !!!! I just can't help myself. Is there a !!! support group?
Layla tattooed her brother up. She had a grin on her face the entire time.
It was so cute and funny and odd. But they were playing nice and not fighting.
Ghetto much?
She was a good sport and let him tattoo her too.
Hayden really isn't a fan of pull-ups and I agree with him. He only uses them at night, but they are so itchy. We tried one night last week without a pull-up and he had an accident in bed. He was frustrated with himself, so we just kept wearing them and they continued to be dry. Last night we did another trial run without a pull-up and his bed was DRY!!! Yay for my sweet boy! He is so proud of himself this morning. I am proud of him too!
We are getting to the busy time of year. Since our weather has been hot it is hard for me to realize that this is the middle of October. BUT IT IS and Thanksgiving will be here before we know it!! This coming weekend we have soccer, a fall festival, the annual airshow....Next weekend we have a similar schedule! Thankfully the weather is cooler and I hope it stays that way. I don't want to eat turkey and dressing in shorts and a tank top!
Yesterday while the kids were at school I got so much done for my new business. I really haven't had much time for Thirty-One, but I think it is going to be so fun! I am excited about hosting an open house here at my house next week. When Layla got home from school she saw all my stuff laying out and she went shopping. She browsed through the Thirty-One catalog and drew pictures of all the things she 'has to have'. I need to get busy selling just to support her needs...
Since I mentioned Thirty-One I wanted to point out that I added a fun Monthly Special gadget to my blog at the top of my blog posts! If you want to get the Organizing Utility Tote {my favorite bag in the whole line} for only $7 you can order it by clicking above.
Happy Tuesday my friends!

YAY on the cooler weather! We're supposed to have a cold front come through at some point today. Can't wait!!
The cooler weather hasn't made it here yet. We went to the corn maze today and it was blazing hot! I think the cold front that you got today is supposed to come through here tonight...and I am so looking forward to it! I can finally get out all my pumpkins and fall decorations:) I need to check out your Thirty One website. I've seen a catalog once before, but I've never ordered anything.
It's so funny how excited you get for cool weather - where I would do ANYTHING to get some of the heat (any would be good) but I am glad for you that things are cooling down.
And the tattoo behind the ear made me crack right up!!!
I love the pictures... your kiddos are gorgeous as per usual!
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