Yesterday {Tuesday} was a really yucky day. Hayden is such a mess right now. I don't know if it is his allergies/cold, but it was such a bad day. A bad day because he was defiant and unruly. I could have said the sky is blue and he would have argued with me. But today is a new day and I am thankful for that! I sure do love my little boy, but this {3 year old} chapter of life gets to be a bit much.
Candy is the enemy. Anybody with me on this? I love it when the kids are very eager to do their chores so they can be rewarded with Halloween candy, but I despise candy. Halloween was really fun though. The munchkins can't stop talking about how much fun they had trick or treating. The candy is going to somehow disappear from our house very soon. :)
I am loving this nail polish. I found it at Walmart for $1.72. It is gray with a touch of purple. It is NYC Park Avenue! This polish makes my fingers happy.
I am getting a tube in my ear on Thursday. How crazy is that? I am getting a tube in my ear like all the two year old kids out there with ear infections. It is funny to me, but in all honesty I am miserable. I have been dealing with this uncomfortable ear issue since JUNE! Way too long. Any positive thoughts or prayers you send my way would be greatly appreciated. I am having the procedure done in the doctors office instead of in a surgery center. I hope it isn't too painful. I am kinda stressing myself out about it. I'm quite sure the anticipation is worse than the procedure will be. Hopefully when I walk out of there I will be so much better!
Our dogs ate our carved pumpkins. The pumpkins were on the patio table in the backyard and somehow Bogey got them down and shredded them all over the backyard. What.a.mess. Daisy has thrown up so many times. Anyway, enough about that. Yuck!
Our dogs ate our carved pumpkins. The pumpkins were on the patio table in the backyard and somehow Bogey got them down and shredded them all over the backyard. What.a.mess. Daisy has thrown up so many times. Anyway, enough about that. Yuck!
I had a great first month selling Thirty-One. I was so nervous hosting my first party, but everything turned out wonderful! I think I did good for my first month. I finally got over my nerves and hosted a second party! The first party took up so much of my time. I was thinking, "what in the world have I done. I will never have time for this." I realize now, the other parties will not be like the first one. I 'get it' now and it will get much easier from here! I'm excited about what the future holds for me and this new fun hobby I have.
Speaking of Thirty-One. I posted the November special of the month above my blog posts. This month when you purchase $31.00 in products you can get the $12.00 Littles Carry-All Caddy for $1.00! What a great deal!! If you click on the monthly special tab above it will take you right to my Thirty-One website. I think I will have tons of people ordering these little caddies for teacher gifts. They are just too cute!
We have been so busy lately I haven't been cooking fun stuff and I miss it! I am hoping to cook up some good dinners in the next few days.
What's up with you on this Wednesday?

Good luck tomorrow with your tubes! And I, too, find it humorous that a grown up is getting tubes. Next thing you know you'll have Chicken Pox :)
I will be thinking about you & praying tomorrow, friend!!
It is kind of funny to think of an adult getting tubes...but if that what it takes to fix the problem I would be doing it too! When Eli had his tubes put in, you could tell he felt 100% better the next day! And his surgery {even though they put him to sleep} was really quick...maybe 15 minutes! I hope everything goes well tomorrow and that your ear feels better really fast! That Thirty-One deal sounds great...maybe great enough to talk me into buying something:)
Knox was the EXACT same way yesterday. I figured it was the crash after the Halloween high... Things seem to be better for us today too.
bring ur "goods" next week. i want in on the special
i need gifts
I'll be ready to hear about all of those goody dinners :) Caleb has been wild and crazy too so I totally know what you mean. I will be going through candy this week and taking a lot of it to work. That is a very cute polish. I know that you have been dealing with this ear issue for quite a while so I do hope that this procedure works out well for need relief :)
I'll say some prayers! I hope you get some relief soon.
I can't believe your dogs ate the pumpkins....what was the outcome? Poppy Pups?
Hoping Mr. Hayden feels better soon.
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