I am so proud of my little Layla Kate. She is doing a super job conquering 1st grade. It makes me so happy to see her reading so well. When I was a little girl I loved to read and I am hoping she enjoys reading as much as I did, and still do. I really like to see 100's on her writing papers. Her writing is getting better every day.
Hayden is feeling under the weather today. It makes me sad for him. He is so stuffy and congested. We were supposed to have a lunch date with friends at Chic-fil-A today, but we called in stuffy. I'm glad we are home because I have wiped his nose so much he is getting a chapped face. Poor little guy.
His face lit up when we set up his train set! He loves that train set and loves the sounds it makes. It has a remote control and he thinks that is the best thing ever. The engine even puffs fake smoke ever so often. It is a 'mack daddy' train set and we have enjoyed it so much!
Daisy the dog wasn't to excited about the train. It put her on edge. I think this is the first time she has been exposed to it. Hopefully she will be nice to it and not chew any of it's pieces.
We got some much needed rain this week. I feel like it rained all week, but it was only 2 full days of rain. Our backyard still had standing water today. I took this picture on Tuesday. While we are thankful for the rain we are thankful for a bit of sunshine today! It is a pretty winter day today.
Tomorrow the high is going to be around 68 degrees which is even prettier than today so Gary decided he is smoking a brisket. Yum!
I cleaned the house this morning. Hayden was pretty quiet since he is feeling yucky, so I had the chance to really get some scrubbing done. It wore me out. I am exhausted. I am happy to have it clean for the weekend. A clean house is one of my favorite things.
That is all I have on this Thursday afternoon. I'm heading to the kitchen check on dinner. I'm cooking a chicken recipe in the slow cooker. I have used my slow cooker so much lately. I love how easy it is!

That is great writing! I have some 3rd graders who don't write as nice.
Alex and Emily used to have nice handwriting...but somehow they got worse! ha! Alex's second-grade teacher last year made me feel a little by saying they just work fast in class sometimes and have to write faster! :-) they both have B+ in handwriting!
Poor Hayden...it's the worst when their noses won't stop running! I love that pic of Daisy with the train, ha! Skipper used to attack a remote control car we had when we drove it through the house, he did NOT like it! ;-)
Hope you have a great weekend! I need a good day or two to clean my house really well!
yay for Layla!!!
i'm sorry hayden is feeling yucky...it seems to be going around :(
i think i need to come to your house this weekend for some of Gary's brisket.
i've really been wanting to get a smoker for things just like that!!!
and this weather is insane...it was 70* yesterday!!!!
I hope Hayden feels better soon...a stuffy nose makes it so hard to sleep and get comfortable. Glad he has his trains to keep him company. Wow, seeing that rain makes me think of the summer when there was no rain. Yay for a clean house...that IS the best!
Poor little Hayden but yay for Layla!!! I've loved to read since I was a little girl too!
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